Thursday, 13 January 2011

CS1 Health and Saftey

This is very important, not just for you but for your PC as well.
First of all the obvious, make sure nothing dangerous to the PC like liquids is around where your working. Also make sure there is space available for your working. The next thing you will need is antistatic protection. For any product you buy for the computer, the part is stored in an antistatic bag. These can be bought in any specialist computer store.

These bags ensure nothing can damage the part to your computer. However when you go into the computer you also needed to be protected from static electricity, as with the components you could get quite a shock.
Antistatic protects comes with an antistatic mat and wristband. What the matt does is absorb and static electricity and then removes it. this is done by the mains. The matt is connected to the mains and the any static electricity enters the current and moves with the mains. the way of assembling this is fairly obvious. An Electrostatic Wristband is used to protect the computer from you. Electrostatic Discharge Damage occurs when a source of stored static electricity leaves something such as another person, into a conductor with a different potential, like a computer.