Thursday, 24 March 2011

CS1 - P2 Operating Systems

Most PCs come with an operating system preloaded, this is the first ever thing loaded on a PC, without it any computer is useless.
The purpose of an operating system is to organise and control any hardware and software so that the device it is part of behaves in a flexible, predictable way.
The main abilities an operating system creates are:
To serve a variety of purposes
Interact with users in more ways, which can get complicated
Keep up with needs that change over time.
All computers must run with an operating system. In which the most common are the windows family of operating systems these are developed by Microsoft, the Macintosh family which are developed by apple and the UNIX systems (made by a history of individuals) but this is quickly declining.
In any device that has an operating system there is usually a way to make changed to how the device actually works. Actually one of the reasons why the operating system is just portable code is so that if it was a physical circuit, you wouldn’t have the need to scrap the whole machine. For a desktop computer this allows you to add security updates, do a system patch add new applications and upgrade to a whole new operating system, rather than throw the whole computer away and start again with another when you only need one change.  

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